Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/10/2020 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers 37 Green Street Concord, NH 03301
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-724 1  minutesJanuary 13, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes.approved  Action details Not available
19-644 16. consent resolutionResolution in recognition of the services of Lieutenant Sean K. Ford.   Action details Not available
19-647 17. consent resolutionResolution in recognition of the services of Detective Chris A. DeAngelis.   Action details Not available
20-708 18. consent resolutionResolution in recognition of the services of Councilor Mark Coen.   Action details Not available
20-709 19. consent resolutionResolution in recognition of the services of Councilor Allan Herschlag.   Action details Not available
19-682 111. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Title I, General Code; Chapter 14, Morals and Conduct, Article 14-2, Miscellaneous Police Regulations, Section 14-2-7 Designated Tobacco Non-Use Areas, prohibiting the use of tobacco products in City-owned parking garages; together with report from the Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services & Special Projects. (Revised ordinance and supplemental report from the Library Director submitted.)moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
19-684 112. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Title II, Traffic Code; Chapter 18, Parking, Article 18-3, Parking Meters, by amending Schedule X, to establish a 3 hour meter time limit for certain parking spaces located on Storrs Street near Dixon Avenue; together with report from the Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services & Special Projects.moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
19-685 113. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Title II, Traffic Code; Chapter 18, Parking, Article 18-3, Parking Meters, by amending Schedule X, concerning certain metered parking spaces on Court Street; together with report from the Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services & Special Projects.moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
19-686 114. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Title II, Traffic Code; Chapter 17, Vehicles and Traffic, Article 17-4, Operation of Motor Vehicles, Section 17-4-3, One-Way Streets, Schedule VI, concerning Perkins Street; together with report from the Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services & Special Projects.moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
19-687 115. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Title II, Traffic Code; Chapter 18, Parking, Article 18-1, Stopping, Standing and Parking, Section 18-1-6, Parking Prohibited at All Times in Designated Places, Schedule I; together with report from the Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services & Special Projects.moved to set for a public hearing  Action details Not available
19-688 116. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Title II, Traffic Code; Chapter 18, Parking, Article 18-1, Stopping, Standing and Parking, Section 18-1-7.1, Parking Prohibited During Certain Hours and Months in Designated Places, Schedule IX; together with report from the Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services & Special Projects.moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
20-717 117. resolutionResolution appropriating the sum of $205,000 for the Birchdale Road Bridge Replacement Project (CIP #498), accepting $180,000 in New Hampshire State Bridge Aid Program funds, and authorizing the issuance of bonds and notes in the amount of $25,000 for the local agency match for CIP #498; together with report from the Associate Engineer.moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
20-718 118. resolutionResolution appropriating the sum of $205,000 for the Hooksett Turnpike Bridge Replacement project (CIP #361), accepting $180,000 in New Hampshire State Bridge Aid Program funds, and authorizing the issuance of bonds and notes in the amount of $25,000 for the local agency match for CIP #361; together with report from the Associate Engineer.moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
20-745 119. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Title I, General Code; Chapter 6, Recreation, Article 6-1, Rules and Regulations for Parks; together with report from the Recreation Director.moved to set for a public hearingPass Action details Not available
20-737 120. positive commentsPositive Citizen Comments.received and filedPass Action details Not available
20-729 121. consent reportDiminimus gifts and donations report from the Library Director requesting authorization to accept monetary gifts totaling $3,061.49, as provided for under the pre-authorization granted by City Council.approvedPass Action details Not available
20-713 122. consent reportReport from the Deputy City Manager - Development recommending that the City include fees for outdoor seating and sandwich board sign use of the public sidewalk in the upcoming revision to the City’s ordinance based fee schedule. (Action on this item tabled at the February 10, 2020 Council meeting.)   Action details Not available
20-721 123. consent reportReport informing Council of the recently updated City of Concord, NH Construction Standards and Details.approvedPass Action details Not available
20-714 124. consent reportQuarterly Current Use Tax Report from the Director of Real Estate Assessments.approvedPass Action details Not available
20-722 125. consent reportFebruary 2020 Economic Development Report from the Economic Development Director.approvedPass Action details Not available
20-723 126. consent reportReport from the Associate Engineer approving the design of the “Welcome to East Concord” gateway sign and directing staff to return with an appropriating resolution accepting a $1,500 donation from the East Concord Garden Club (ECGC) and allocating additional sign installation funds. (Action on this item tabled at the February 10, 2020 Council meeting.)   Action details Not available
19-681 127. consent resolutionResolution de-authorizing and rescinding the sum of $440,000 in Sears Block Tax Increment Finance District supported bonds and notes for the acquisition, weatherization, and redevelopment of the former NH Employment Security Property (CIP #578); together with report from the Director of Redevelopment, Downtown Services & Special Projects.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-671 128. appointmentCity Manager's proposed appointment to the Conservation Commission. Jeffrey LewisapprovedPass Action details Not available
19-627 129A. resolutionResolution authorizing the Annual Appraisal of Real Estate at Market Value per RSA 75:8-b; together with report from the Director of Real Estate Assessments. (Public Hearings to be held in February and March with action taken in April.)   Action details Not available
19-678 129B. resolutionResolution appropriating the sum of $40,565.39 for the reimbursement of personnel costs related to the deployment of Fire Department personnel to areas impacted by natural disasters and accepting the sum of $40,565.39 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency; together with report from the Interim Fire Chief.   Action details Not available
19-650 129C. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Title V, Administrative Code; Chapter 35, Classification and Compensation Plan, Schedule D of Article 35-2, Class Specification Index, Library Position Class Specification Title Change; together with report from the Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations.   Action details Not available
19-627 130. resolutionResolution authorizing the Annual Appraisal of Real Estate at Market Value per RSA 75:8-b; together with report from the Director of Real Estate Assessments. (Public Hearings to be held in February and March with action taken in April.)   Action details Not available
19-678 131. resolutionResolution appropriating the sum of $40,565.39 for the reimbursement of personnel costs related to the deployment of Fire Department personnel to areas impacted by natural disasters and accepting the sum of $40,565.39 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency; together with report from the Interim Fire Chief.approved  Action details Not available
19-650 132. ordinanceOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Title V, Administrative Code; Chapter 35, Classification and Compensation Plan, Schedule D of Article 35-2, Class Specification Index, Library Position Class Specification Title Change; together with report from the Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations.approved  Action details Not available
20-716 133. resolutionResolution appropriating the sum of $749,727.79 in the Annual Highway Improvement Program Project (CIP #78) and authorizing the use of Highway Reserve funds for this purpose; together with report from the General Services Director. (Public testimony received.)   Action details Not available
19-438 134. reportOrdinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Title IV, Zoning Code; Chapter 28, Zoning Ordinance; Article 28-5, Supplemental Standards; Section 28-5-50, Keeping of Chickens as Pets Accessory to a Residential Use; together with a report from the City Planner. (Ordinance referred to the Public Safety Advisory Board at the October 15, 2019 City Council meeting.) (Petition supporting reducing current property line buffers to 15' or less, allowing more residents to keep chickens as pets; together with communications in support of the petition submitted.) (Report from the Public Safety Advisory Board together with public testimony submitted January 2021.) (Communication from Francesca Brown received.)   Action details Not available
20-713 122. consent reportReport from the Deputy City Manager - Development recommending that the City include fees for outdoor seating and sandwich board sign use of the public sidewalk in the upcoming revision to the City’s ordinance based fee schedule. (Action on this item tabled at the February 10, 2020 Council meeting.)   Action details Not available
20-723 126. consent reportReport from the Associate Engineer approving the design of the “Welcome to East Concord” gateway sign and directing staff to return with an appropriating resolution accepting a $1,500 donation from the East Concord Garden Club (ECGC) and allocating additional sign installation funds. (Action on this item tabled at the February 10, 2020 Council meeting.)   Action details Not available
19-692 1Inf1 Information itemJuly 11, 2019 Heritage Commission Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
19-694 1Inf2 Information itemAugust 1, 2019 Heritage Commission Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
19-691 1Inf3 Information itemAugust 21, 2019 Planning Board Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
19-693 1Inf4 Information itemSeptember 18, 2019 Planning Board Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
20-696 1Inf5 Information itemOctober 16, 2019 Planning Board Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
20-697 1Inf6 Information itemNovember 20, 2019 Planning Board Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
20-715 1Inf7 Information itemJanuary 2, 2020 Golf Course Advisory Committee Draft Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
20-728 1Inf8 Information itemJanuary 6, 2020 Concord Public Library Trustee Meeting Minutes.received and filed  Action details Not available
20-719 1Inf9 Information itemCapital Area Mutual Aid Fire Compact 2019 Annual Report to Board of Directors.   Action details Not available
20-725 1Inf10 Information itemInvitation from the Friends of the Audi to attend a community open meeting in the Audi lobby on Sunday March 1, 2020 at 3:30 p.m.received and filed  Action details Not available
20-738 1Inf11 Information itemAnnual Customer Notice from Comcast Communication.received and filed  Action details Not available
20-736 1Inf12 Information itemIntent to Negotiate Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement for IAFF Local 1045received and filed  Action details Not available